Karen Schabel CTM, Saskatchewan Region

Karen Schabel CTM has been an active ACTA Member for many years, and currently sits on both the National Board of Directors and the ACTA Saskatchewan Regional Advisory Committee. She has been in the travel industry for 39 years as part of CAA Saskatchewan's travel agency team. Most of her years were as Travel Manager for the Regina East location. Karen earned her ACTA Certified Travel Manager (CTM) in 2012. Having earned her Registered Professional Trainer designation (from the Canadian Professional Trainers Association) in 2010, Karen became the Travel Training Coordinator for CAA Saskatchewan. She currently looks after training new travel consultants for the 11 Saskatchewan locations, organizes ongoing training with CAA’s travel partners, assists travel consultants in obtaining their CTC designation, and facilitates travel insurance training for CAA’s newly licensed agents. Karen’s expertise in training has been a significant benefit to ACTA’s Education Committee.